Let me guess, you have a great job already right? You do the basics amazingly well; bring your company more money than they pay you, work incredible hours, do not complain but rather work with a smile, plan on being there until you retire. That plan is certainly realistic, what could possible change?
There are many reasons that plan could change and no longer meet the needs of you or your family. Most women don’t have a backup strategy. Here are some realistic reasons why your current employment may no longer be idealistic. Divorce, pregnancy, decision to stay home, health reasons, lay offs, relocation and female discrimination in the workplace. For whatever reason you become unemployed not having a backup plan can hinder your future success. Let me create a wonderful backup plan that will enable you to continue your current employment while getting closer to financial freedom along with working a lot less hours than you do now. Contact me for more information or ask any questions you may have and I will add them to the FAQ below.

Cindi Endsley
Founders Circle and SuperStar Director
Scentsy Independent Consultant
W: www.joinmyteam.com
E: lostmyflames@yahoo.com
P: 949-338-4831
Watch this video published by Forbes to see what type of passion and culture The Scentsy Family has created.
Scentsy Charitable Causes Donations
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada - $56,442
American Heart Association - $781,552
Autism Speaks - $533,880
National Breast Cancer Foundation - $600,000
Backup Plan FAQ
What exactly is the backup plan you will create? The plan will introduce you to a simple business that can fit into the nooks and crannies of your schedule. I started as such being a stay home mother of three wonderful children, a big dog, and a great husband. This experience has taught me so much that I want to share this opportunity with you, benefit from my knowledge and guidance the whole way.
Why choose this business over any other opportunity? Good people make a great company, I cannot say enough about the Scentsy Family Team who pour their life into this business which in turn helps so many other people create hope in their lives. Scentsy staff and leadership team has created a leader out of myself and provided so much support through the whole process.
How will I learn this business? I will be your personal trainer as it is my responsibility to give you the necessary skills and resources to ensure your success within the time you have to allocate. Scentsy also provides many additional resources such as conference calls, online training, conventions, team meetings, social media pages, and leadership retreats to inspire and educate.
What is the startup cost? I started four years ago for $99 and the cost remains the same as of 4/1/2013, this kit provides everything you need to immediately dive into your own business. This will be your first Scentsy Family "wow factor" once you have made a decision to change your life in having your startup kit arrive.
Is there a tax benefit of owning your own business? Consult your tax accountant or CPA to discover all the tax benefits of owning your own personal Scentsy business, this is definitely a great advantage in our country.